A second chance at love ?

In Second Time Around interior designer Jennifer falls for Ben who is much younger than her and also her son’s employer. This is the main plot of the story but there is also a sub-plot involving Jennifer’s daughter and an unsuitable relationship she makes and another about issues with Ben’s family who want him to conform to their image of him.

The novel is set in a small town in Ireland where Ben is setting up a new restaurant on behalf of his father’s company. Jennifer is undertaking the design work for the new venture and her son has been taken on as a chef which is a great opportunity for him. Ben wants to be open about their relationship but Jennifer won’t let him because she is worried about what people will think – it turns out that she is correct to be concerned.

This is an easy enough to read book involving family issues and with a touch or romance. You think you are pretty sure from the beginning that Jennifer and Ben will resolve their issues, although it is not clear how that will be done, and it is enjoyable to watch them come to terms with their families and make decisions about what they want in life and who is important to them.

Jennifer’s daughter has a big problem at the start of the novel which she then seems to solve by falling for a religious bigot who is controlling and judgmental. This part of the book didn’t work as well for me. I thought that her issues at the beginning of the story weren’t made explicit and desperate enough for her to fall under the sway of the man who manipulates her. This sub-plot really needed more space within the book, in my opinion.

Overall this is an easy to read story which has a satisfying end for all the characters, even if it might not be what you were thinking.

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